Basic Technology: As it exits the air-cleaning unit, filtered air passes through a corona discharge (a type of electric pulse). This process creates BOTH negative and positive ions – which is air in a plasma state.
In Phase Two, the plasma combines with naturally occurring water vapor to form Hydroxyl Radicals (OH, unstable molecules stripped of hydrogen and oxygen atoms).
Hydroxyls attack airborne pollutants that include viruses, bacteria, germs, odors, and chemical gases (VOCs).
The Pollutants Are Destroyed in the process while the Hydroxyls reform into water vapor (H2O) or other harmless air molecules.
PlasmaWave™ produces NO OZONE or other harmful by-products as it emulates the way nature cleans the air.
Reference Website is
Developped by Winix in partnership with Drexel Plasma Institute Research Partners, PlasmaWave uses a natural process of filtration generating positive and negative ions that safely breaks apart hazardous pollutants at a molecular level without creating any harmful ozone.
A video detailing how the Winix PlasmaWave Technology emulates the way nature cleans the air.
Winix PlasmaWave Series WAC5500 Review
Pros / The Winix PlasmaWave effectively removes pollen, dust and other indoor pollutants from medium-sized rooms.
Cons / Winix’s website lacks a downloadable user manual.
Verdict / The Winix PlasmaWave is an excellent air purifier for removing dust, pollen and other particles, but if you have breathing issues, the ionizer may aggravate your lungs.